目 录 Contents List
1 技术评审概述 Technical Review Overview 8
1.1 定义 Definition 8
1.2 目的 Objective 8
1.3 范围 Scope 9
1.4 原则 Principle 9
1.5 评审体系架构 TR system frame 9
2 IPD主过程评审 IPD TR 10
2.1 IPD TR裁剪操作指南 IPD TR Tailoring Guide 10
2.1.1 IPD TR裁剪原则 Tailoring principle 11
2.1.2 评审要素裁剪原则 Tailoring principle of review checklist 13
2.2 IPD TR操作指南 IPD TR Operating Guide 14
2.2.1 IPD TR七大评审点目标概述 Objective Overview of Seven IPD TR Check Points 14
2.2.2 评审过程概述 Review process overview 20
2.2.3 制定评审计划 Establish review plan 20
2.2.4 准备评审材料 Prepare review material 21
2.2.5 召开评审会议 Hold review meeting 21
2.2.6 填写评审报告 Fill in review report 22
2.2.7 技术评审度量 Review metrics 22
2.2.8 评审报告会签 Countersign on the Review Report 24
2.2.9 评审报告签发 Authorize the Review Report 25
2.2.10 评审报告发布 Release the Review Report 25
2.2.11 评审结论执行 Execute the Review Conclusion 25
2.3 IPD TR各角色和职责 Roles & Responsibilities of TR participator 25
2.4 评审电子流使用指南 Review workflow usage guide 26
2.4.1 PDM评审流程简介 PDM review flow overview 26
3 子过程评审 sub-TR 26
3.1 sub-TR裁剪原则 sub-TR tailoring principle 26
3.1.1 sub-TR目标概述 sub-TR objective overview 27
3.1.2 sub-TR评审过程概述 sub-TR process overview 27
3.1.3 制定评审计划 Make a Review Plan 27
3.1.4 准备评审材料 Prepare review material 28
3.1.5 预审评审材料 Pre-review review material 30
3.1.6 召开评审会议 Hold review meeting 30
3.1.7 填写评审报告 Fill in review report 31
3.1.8 技术评审度量 sub-TR Metrics 32
3.2 评审电子流使用指南 Review workflow usage guide 35
3.2.1 PDM评审流程简介 PDM review flow overview 35
4 评审要素表使用指南 Review checklist usage guide 35
4.1 评审要素表的存放位置 Where to find review checklist 35
4.2 评审要素表的分类查找 Sorting of review checklist 36
4.3 评审要素表的使用 Usage of review checklist 36
4.4 评审要素表的反馈优化和发布 Feedback, revise and release review checklist 36
5 附件1 Appendix 1:IPD-TR角色和职责 IPD-TR Roles and Responsibilities 38
5.1 SE角色和职责 SE Role and Responsibility 38
5.1.1 角色 Role 38
5.1.2 职责 Responsibility 38
5.2 PQA角色和职责 PQA Role and Responsibility 39
5.2.1 角色 Role 39
5.2.2 职责 Responsibility 39
5.3 LPDT角色和职责 LPDT Role and Responsibility 40
5.3.1 角色 Role 40
5.3.2 职责 Responsibility 41
5.4 PDT核心组成员的角色和职责 PDT core members Role and Responsibility 41
5.4.1 角色 Role 41
5.4.2 职责 Responsibility 42
5.5 评审专家的角色和职责 TR Expert Role and Responsibility 42
5.5.1 角色 Role 42
5.5.2 职责 Responsibility 42
5.6 IPMT的角色和职责 IPMT Role and Responsibility 43
5.6.1 角色 Role 43
5.6.2 职责 Responsibility 43
6 附录2:sub-TR通用角色和职责 Appendix 2:sub-TR Common Roles and Responsibilities 44
6.1 评审责任人 Review Sponsor 44
6.2 主审人 Chief Reviewer 44
6.3 评审专家:Review Expert 44
6.4 QA: 45
6.5 评审接口人:Review Agent 45
6.6 问题跟踪人:Issue Tracer 45
7 附件3:sub-TR一览表 Appendix 3:sub-TR List 46
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